image by billy v, flickr artist

when you’re working on a project — of any scale — you’re going to have to accept risk at some point in time. the client is going to make demands that seem unreasonable. you’re going to burn through the wiggle room that you’ve built into your project schedules. you’re going to be doing work that no one has ever done before.

it’s in these times that leaders really need to answer the call.

“there’s only one outcome here: we’re going to succeed. that’s the bottom line. we’re absolutely going to get this done, and we’re going to do it the very best way we know how. i don’t care how difficult it is or how difficult it is going to be; look at everything we’ve accomplished to date. why would you believe in any other outcome? we’re going to do this.

“now… what do you need to knock this thing out of the park? because i’m going to go out and get it for you.”

the phone’s ringing. you might want to answer that one.